Imitation leather from industrial hemp: innovative and sustainable material for future car interiors
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Imitation leather from industrial hemp: innovative and sustainable material for future car interiors

Volkswagen has entered into a cooperation with the German start-up Revoltech GmbH from Darmstadt. The aim is to research and develop sustainable materials based on industrial hemp. These could be used as a sustainable surface material in Volkswagen models from 2028. The material made from 100% bio-based hemp uses residues of the regional hemp industry….

Beautiful, eco-friendly and fire resistant: why architects are choosing walls made of hemp
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Beautiful, eco-friendly and fire resistant: why architects are choosing walls made of hemp

Sumptuously textured, carbon negative and just a bit more expensive, hempcrete is being increasingly used in eco-friendly building Michael Leung first came across hempcrete after a family tragedy. When his father-in-law died from asbestos-related mesothelioma, Leung, an architect, swore off using toxic materials in building. “When you go on a healthy building journey, inevitably you…