“We have it within our power to remake the world anew by disrupting the plastics industry.” – Thomas Paine, 1776
Okay I made up that last part. Yet with so many industries entrenched in the use of harmful fossil-fuel-based plastics (FFPs), it’s time for a revolutionary shift, even as Paine suggested when we were oppressed by The British Empire.
Hempopolis is dedicated to building a new world—one that values sustainable, plant-based alternatives to FFPs and embraces the promise of bioplastics made from hemp, casein, shells, fungi and host of natural materials. Transmuting fossil-fuel plastics into plant-based alternatives is long overdue, and we’re excited to be part of the movement.
Welcome to Hempopolis!
At Hempopolis, you’ll find the latest buzz on plant-based products and composites. New enterprises and research breakthroughs are happening every day – it’s an exciting time to leave oil behind!
Want to buy, sell, or trade plant-based alternatives? We’ve got tons of them! Looking for hurd, bast, hemp insulation, or plant-based replacements for plastic pellets? Need a bio-composite for your 3D printer? We’re working on that too!
You see, those oil giants thought they could keep selling us plastic crap even if we stop burning their fuels. But hemp and plant-based alternatives are here to change that! From extruded bioplastic products and films, fabrics, oils and supply chain FFP replacements, we can remake our world without plastic and all its pitfalls.
Our mission is to connect innovators, producers, and consumers who are committed to replacing harmful FFPs with eco-friendly, renewable solutions. By creating a marketplace for these materials, we aim to facilitate a global transformation, empowering individuals and businesses alike to take part in reshaping industries for a greener tomorrow.
We’re a Co-op
Because we value integrity above all, we’re a legal co-op, sharing the journey and abundance with all our sellers and producers. You can be a seller without joining the co-op if you prefer.
Join us as we take the power Thomas Paine spoke of to create a world anew—a world where sustainability is the foundation for moving forward.